Home to the first international team to join the American Mock Trial Association AND to qualify for the National Championship Tournament.
About American Mock Trial
Curious about our team? Read on to learn more!
The American Mock Trial team is a dedicated group of Canada's most talented Mock Trial competitors. Members of our team represent a broad range of programs, interests, and backgrounds. Together, we form Canada's most successful undergraduate Mock Trial program.
With two competitive teams of 8-10 members, there are lots of opportunities to get involved.
The American Mock Trial Association (AMTA) is the governing body of intercollegiate Mock Trial in the United States. Founded in 1985, the organization hosts annual competitors in February, March, and April to name the Mock Trial National Champion from over 750 teams representing nearly 400 schools.
More information about AMTA can be found on their website:
There is something in Mock Trial for everyone. Whether it is learning to build confidence, improving your acting, public speaking, and critical thinking skills -- no one "type" of person is suited for mock trial and it is always worth trying out and seeing how you feel about it.
If you are someone who is interested in and enjoys public speaking, debate, performance arts, reading and writing, learning important social/professional skills, making like-minded friends and connections in the legal community, travelling, and so much more -- you should give mock trial a try!
Mock Trial is an amazing educational and practical experience which we will benefit you as a student, a person, and an advocate. Not all of our members want to become lawyers, but what all will take with them are the critical thinking, oration, writing, and teamwork skills needed to succeed in a range of fields. From corporate presentations, to protests, to courtrooms, the skills built in Mock Trial transcend the activity itself.
Perhaps most importantly, Mock Trial is fun. As a traveling competition team the American Mock Trial team is like a family. Throughout the year we forge friendships built on teamwork and shared interests, friendships which extend well beyond the courtroom. Our members come from a wide range of academic backgrounds, and all of them are united by a shared love of advocacy and competition.